I put up this page to tie together the various things that I do. I did not go into hobbies, volunteer work or personal beliefs.
This is a work in progress and the below items are in no particular order and at various stages of completeness.
Oh, and I ride my bicycle to work, rain or shine.

Some general things about me

Family man
Patent Attorney & Strategist
At Ehrlich & Fenster, currently in charge of the Medical Device Department.
Specializing in Startup companies with groundbreaking technology and exciting potential consequences.
You can find me on linkedin
Idea Engineer
I am not sure this exists as a field yet. I work with ideas all day and ideas seem to exist at various stages of maturity. But there do not seem to be suitable tools for writing down, analyzing and modifying ideas, as such, other than prose. Working on this.
As an idea engineer I help identify, analyse, sharpen, modify and rebuild ideas to meet challenges.
Unlike some, I think ideas are at least as valuable as execution.

Doctoral candidate

Bookworm & Info-glutton
I like reading books, both fiction and non-fiction. I also like collecting paper copies. So does my wife, so we have a nice overflowing library room or two.
I like information in other forms as well. Probably too much information...

Stuff - in random order

Meir Rotenberg, a bible scholar
Idea Supremecy
This is a project I have been working on with my friend Haim Schlesinger. In a nutshell, we meet with entrepreneurs and extract from/with them the essence of their idea and repackage it as a compact crystal ball. When then need to make decisions, they can look in the ball and easily see how well the options they have are aligned with their idea. it lets them "lead with their idea" instead of "get lost fast with execution"

In what manner do different people think differently

Mapping invention
In my day job I get to see many ideas developing from insight to practical and from vague to concrete. I was looking for a way to map out this journey of innovation. To that end I developed a tool for drawing C-K double headed trees.

Visualizing Ideas as dance
What does an idea look like? Using the sound to movement mapping ideas in the book "harnessed", I am hopping to convert ideas (maybe starting from patent claim formulations) into animated stick figure dances. Waiting for my linguist daughter to finish the book and have time for this project.

Mapping to images
There are all sorts of things I am interested in, but do not have time to pursue. Find an evolving and incomplete menagerie here (coming soon).
What I am looking for
I love new ideas and new ways of looking at things, especially if you can do more with less or do what you could not do before (or maybe could not imagine before). I have a need to understand "how". And then "what can we do with it".
I am looking for collaborators to work with on such things, especially making the world a better place through judicious leveraging of ideas.
If you want to connect
Work related: maier@ipatent.co.il
Idea related: maier@metaideation.com
Blogs: contact@fensterfamily.net
Other: maier.fenster@gmail.com